1 Vivian Maier ORIGINAL Street Photograph - Portrait of Humans - Baby - Steakhouse
Get your Original Vivian Maier photographs here instead of paying thousands to some possible jackass in NYC for a "Vivian Maier Print" that they paid a "Master Printer" possible jag to harvest from Vivian Maier's negatives and who the possible jackass in NYC then pays some bigger possible jackass in Chicago and the Estate of Vivian Maier (a group of lawyers) royalties on - no soapbox opinion here on the NDA Vivian Maier Monopoly though :]
The Vivian Maier negativesĀ fromĀ this collection were seen and examined in-person on 3/8/2017 by noted Vivian Maier authority and Academy Award nominated Director of the documentary film "Finding Vivian Maier" John Maloof so as to confirm authenticity of these negatives and assess their value. Maier's world-renowned photographs are currently sold by the prestigious Howard Greenberg Gallery in New York City. "Formerly a photographer and founder of The Center for Photography in Woodstock in 1977, Howard Greenberg has been one of a small group of gallerists, curators and historians responsible for the creation and development of the modern market for photography" -howardgreenberg.com.
Theoretically if one were to create an edition of 15 prints from one single negative of Maier's and charge $6,500 a print as the Howard Greenberg Gallery is doing one would be kicking out $97,500 - subtract overhead, materials, taxes - probs talkin' $40,000+ in profits - talk to the Estate before printing as you do not have the printing rights. Only John Maloof and Howard Greenberg are allowed to have Maier's work printed under the conditions of the Non-Disclosure Agreement (info courteously provided by John Maloof) that those people made with the lawyers of the Vivian Maier Estate. It isn't shady, it's just the art world. You could profit off of this dead person's art too - don't miss your chance, get before the get gets gone!!!
Upon purchase the negative will ship out to you via USPS First Class Mail within 3 business days. The buyer is responsible for shipping costs, including any fees associated with international shipping. Due to the scannable nature of the Vivian Maier negatives being sold from THe ARTHoLE CoLLeCTiON there are NO RETURNS offered on this purchase. Please feel free to email [email protected] with any questions :]